wfw - Strongholds

Nahum 1:7 "The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble.

You will never understand that God is a refuge until you run to Him and throw yourself upon His mercy to ask protection and help. Need a refuge? Most earthly strongholds have massive doors and can be entered by walking. The refuge God provides is entered by kneeling.

For more Scriptures join me at the Internet Cafe devotions.

Z boy's 6th Birthday

Last October 25, 2010 was the birthday of my grandson, Z (son of my daughter, Mayette). Since it falls on Saturday, the small celebration was held the following day, Sunday for the Children Ministry of our church. He is the one wearing red shirts (his solo pics is in another camera). It was a simple celebration but the children enjoyed the games and the prizes, that they went home happy with their toys and party bags. Praise God! for the joy of the children and especially to Z who was also excited and happy for his 6th year birthday. Happy Birthday Z ! stay happy and blessed.

LECS United Nations Celebration


These photos were taken during the presentation of Little Evangel Christian School for United Nations Day. My grandson. Z boy was chosen as Mr. United States together with his best friend. Thea as you can see in the pictures. It was an enjoyable affair for the prep school children who wore different costumes for different countries.