fpf - The Graduation

This was during the graduation of my daughter, Mayette who graduated with Bachelor of Science in Nursing sometimes in 1990. Sorry, I forgot the exact date... With us was my late husband...huhuhu as I was posting this the more I missed him. This is what I like on this meme it is fun but sometimes it touched your heart for the memories.

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4 Response to "fpf - The Graduation"

  1. More Than Words Says:

    That's why I love this meme too, Laurencita. Just one picture can bring back a flood of memories during that particular time.

  2. Lauren Says:

    what a special memory for you... that picture is beautiful!!

  3. Ferree Bowman Hardy Says:

    Beautiful photo of you and your husband, Laurencita! Memories . . . they can flood in at times, can't they? Peace and love to you.

  4. Personalized Sketches and Sentiments Says:

    Oh! Such a wonderful photo! Your daughter looks like you-very beautiful! And such a handsome husband! Yes, photos and memories do help to bring back so many sweet memories of our loved ones that we miss so much!

    Thank you so much for stopping by and for your sweet comment. My hubby and I had a wonderful time up at my dad's (the 26 hour drive to my dad's from our home in Georgia to his home in Wisconsin was well worth it :o) Thank goodness though for the midway stop (about 12 hours drive) to sleep and visit with our kids who are all at college in Kentucky :o)

    It was straight back to work for me, so haven't had a minute to catch up really on blogging, but I want to try to reply to the wonderful comments left on my N post.

    Blessings & Aloha!

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