Yummy Sunday


Oh! I forgot what dish is this, this is one of the food we ordered during our dinner out with the family at the newly established Thai Restaurant in the City....Of course, this food was very yummy.

For more yummy entries please join Bogie, Perfectly Blended.

fpf - With my sisters and nieces

This picture was taken sometimes in the late 90's when we attend the burial of one of my relatives...With me at my right side are my 2 elder sisters.

Please join with Alicia by clicking the badge below.

wfw #28 - Praying Hands and Hearts


1 Kings 8:54 "When Solomon had finished all these prayers and supplications to the LORD, he rose from before the altar of the LORD, where he had been kneeling with his hands spread out toward heaven."

The bible tells us that different people prayed in different positions. Some prayed standing up with their hands raised towards heaven, probably the posture that Jesus most often used. Some prayed prostrated. their faces to the ground while others prayed sitting or kneeling. Well, God honor whatever positions we prayed but He does see our Heart.

For more Word Filled Wednesday join Susan, Forever His!

Our New Year Celebration

This post is a bit late but I just want to share with you on how we celebrated our New Year. We only had a simple celebration together with our close relative's family and our neighbor family who sometimes baby sits my grand daughter Zane ( Mayet's daughter). While waiting for 12 midnight to strike, we had film showing like we did last Christmas. Indeed, it was a blessed celebration because we were able to have worship time before our family prayer. Our neighbor friend is a worship leader in their church, so she was able to lead the worship time. It is truly a great experience to welcome the New Year in worship and praise to our God who created all things. All glory belongs to God!

And after worship and prayer, we had a great time of fellowship through food and gift giving. That was a great New Year for me and the family.

Our New Year's eve food

Gifts are ready for gift giving

My grandchildren and their gifts

wfw #27- Touching


Luke 5:13 "Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man, "I am willing," he said. "Be clean." And immediately the leprosy left him.

There is healing in a touch, so said the renowned author and psychiatrist Dr. Karl Menninger. So let God touch your life, and with His touch will come emotional and spiritual healing, and the freedom that lets you reach out and touch someone else.

For more Word Filled Wednesday try to visit, Christy at Critty Joy.

Yearly Gift Giving To Our Less Privileged Neighbors

For about 7 years now we have distributed bags of groceries in our less privileged neighbors in our present place in Balulang during the Christmas season. When we transferred our residence here in Balulang 7 years ago, we found out that we have lots of neighbors who barely survive only through simple jobs such as driving tricylces, selling banana cues, doing laundries and etc. So, my late husband was so kindhearted that he gave some of these families groceries every Christmas. Then during summer our church also conducts Daily Vacation Bible Studies for our neighbor's children. After that, we now have regular every Saturday bible studies for the families. All these activities started because of our gift giving every Christmas.

When my husband passed away and I was left alone and retired from my job, my children took this Christmas gift giving as our family project. All of my children and I contribute a specific amount of money each year to buy the groceries for our less privileged neighbors. Indeed during this event, it is also an opportunity for us to share our spiritual blessings as well as our material blessings to them.

Now that we had built our church in our compound, the scope for the gift giving has widened, not only our immediate neighbors became the beneficiaries but also to those familes who lived a little further from us. Our family took charge of the buying of groceries for each family while our church took charge the food and the prizes of the games.

It was really a joy in our hearts that one way or another we had shared our blessings to some people.

If you want to read more about this gift giving, please visit the blog of my daughter, HERE.

ys#19- Chicken with Cashew Nuts


Chicken with cashew nuts...its yummy from Thai Me Up during our dinner with the family sometimes in December 2009.

For more entries, please visit Bogie, Perfectly Blended.

fpf#21- Beauty Contest

During my teenage years it was a tradition in our place to hold a beauty contest as a fund raising of the church (church of my parents). It was also the highlights in the celebration of the annual fiesta. This is my picture when I was 18 years old as the second runner up in one of that celebration. Lol!

For more entries please visit Alicia, More Than Words just click the badge below.

wfw #26 - A Legacy of Peace

JOHN 14:27 "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

As we begin a new year, if there is one answered prayer that I might have, it would be for God to give troubled world lasting peace, and for us His children to know His peace___the kind that the Scripture describes as going beyond understanding. The Lord Jesus gave us a legacy of peace. Let us find out about it and discover the answer to our troubled heart that will help us survive the storm.

For more entries please visit Lori, All You Have To Give

Our Christmas Eve Celebration

This was our Christmas Tree with the gifts ready for distribution on the Christmas Eve.
Z boy and Zane girl receiving their gifts.
Beam and Rehum receiving their gifts.
This is one of our food prepared by Mayette... It is called lamingtons a delicacy from Australia courtesy of our blogger friend, Lyndz...sorry it looked messy because we forget to take the pictures first, and the children liked it so much that they nearly consumed it.

Time for opening the gifts....
We had film showing while waiting for "media noche"
Watching the movie

Praying with thanksgiving remembering the birth of our savior Jesus Christ.

More opening of gifts.

Yes! we had a happy time during the Christmas Eve we just included the family of Jinggoy and Love in our prayers.

ys# 18 - Hamonada


This is one of the foods Mayette, my daughter prepared during our "media noche" last year Christmas Eve... The recipe was given to her by Bogie (Perfectly Blended)...Well, the taste is perfectly blended, lol! yes! it was yummy.

For more yummy foods visit Bogie,Perfectly Blended.

fpf#20 Hatyai, Thailand

This picture was taken when we visited Love's family in Hatyai, Thailand with Beam and Mayette (my other daughters). In my right side is Mayette and Beam with Litlit our close friend in my left side.. This was 5 years ago.

For more fun please check Alicia, More Than Words by clicking the badge below.

wfw#25 Tomorrow Starts Today

Philippians 4:6 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God..

This article is from Harold J. Sala (Today Counts). I am pleased to share it to you for this New Year.

Focusing on several guidelines can make today and this year better than previous ones. Here's how:

1. Live today... Some live in the past: others in the future. A paraphrase of Matthew 6:34 puts it like this: "Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow" The message, Live Today.

2. Say it today...Some folks, though they care, miss saying encouraging words. Make it a daily practice to tell people-- say it, write it--words of encouragement.

3. Pray about it today.. "O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear; All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer," wrote hymn writer Joseph Scriven.

4. Refuse to worry about it today..Pray about what worries you, reminding yourself that God is far greater than your problem, and He can do what you can't. Let God engineer your life.

5. Smell the flowers today: This helps you put life in perspective and live to a ripe old age.

6. Trust God today..Tomorrow isn't as important as today. Can you say, "God just for today, I'm going to trust You with all my heart! I refuse to live tomorrow until it comes"?"Therefore," said Jesus, "do not worry about tomorrow will worry about itself" (Matthew 6:34)

7. Have a blessed day today.. And I am confident you will when you follow these simple but effective guidelines because God blesses the one who puts Him first and walks in the light of His Word.

For more entries please visit Penny @pennyraine.com/blog

Yummy Sunday #17 Bigby's Combo Meal

This is a combo meal I ordered at Bigby's Cafe. It's one of the foods we tried during the birthday dinner of Manny, my son in law. Sorry, I forgot the name of this food but one thing for sure this really taste good.

For more yummy foods please visit Bogie, Perfectly Blended.